Number of certificates, associate degrees, bachelor's (baccalaureate) degrees, and master's degrees awarded by Texas public, private (independent), and for-profit (career) institutions of higher education. Certain institutions located outside Texas serving residents or conducting services in Texas, are also included. Certificates include lower-level undergraduate certificates (for public 4-year institutions), and Level 1, Level 2 (undergraduate certificates) and Advanced Technology Certificates (for public 2-year institutions). Data from for-profit institutions is initially approximated based on previous year and updated when certified. Only certified data (no approximations) are included in data available through the Interactive portal. Note that doctoral degrees (doctoral research scholarship) and professional (doctoral professional practice) degrees are not included in statewide data as they are not included in the 60x30TX statewide completion goal; however, doctoral and professional degrees are presented in sector-level data. Source: CBM009
Number of undergraduates who received a certificate, associate degree, or bachelor's (baccalaureate) degree from a Texas public or private (independent) institution of higher education. Certificates are Level 1, Level 2 (undergraduate certificates) and Advanced Technology Certificates. Economically disadvantaged students are those receiving Pell at any time (from 1997 through the most current fiscal year data is available). Source: CBM009, Financial Aid Database System (FADS)
Number and percentage of public high school students who graduate in the school year prior to entering public or independent higher education in the fall semester. Total enrolled in higher education divided by the total number of high school graduates minus non-trackable students. Non-trackable graduates have non-standard ID numbers that will not find a match at Texas higher education institutions. Source: CBM001, TEA
Number of students enrolled in fall at Texas public, private (independent), and for-profit (career) institutions. Dual credit students are included (if dual credit is offered); flex entry students are not included. Data from for-profit institutions is initially approximated based on previous year and updated when certified. Only certified data (no approximations) are included in data available through the Interactive portal. Source: CBM001
Number of unduplicated students enrolled in fall at Texas public institutions. Dual credit students are included; flex entry students are not included.
Number and percentage of students awarded a degree or certificate in a given year who are employed in the 4th quarter of the calendar year in which the program (fiscal) year ends or enrolled in a Texas public, private (independent), and for-profit (career) institution of higher education in the fall semester after receiving the award. Enrollment in certain institutions located outside Texas serving residents or conducting services in Texas, is also included. Students are considered employed if they are reported in the Texas Unemployment Insurance (UI) or the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) wage records. OPM data were only available from 2005 to 2016. Note that this measure was revised to match the 60x30TX state strategic plan; enrollment is no longer dependent on degree level. Source: CBM001, CBM009, Unemployment Insurance (UI) wage records, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) wage records
Median of individual student loan debt as a percentage of first year wage for students awarded a certificate, associate degree, or bachelor's degree in a given year from a Texas public institution. Individual must have student loan debt at time of award and wages in first year following award. Each student's loan debt includes loans reported in the THECB financial aid database (FADS) report by any institution for that student in the last 15 years, excluding parent loan debt. First year wages are based on UI wage data reported to the Texas Workforce Commission. Bachelor’s degrees awarded at community colleges are not included. Source: CBM009, Unemployment Insurance (UI) wage records, Financial Aid Database System (FADS)
Average number of semester credit hours (SCH) attempted by graduates of bachelor's degree programs from Texas public 4-year institutions and graduates of associate degree programs from Texas 2-year public institutions in excess of the degree plan. To determine SCH attempted, compile all college-level semester credit hours a graduate attempted for up to 10 years prior to the time of college graduation. Developmental education SCH attempted and dual credit SCH attempted are not included. The total and two breakouts are also shown: average attempted SCH accumulated by graduates who began and graduated at the same institution and average attempted SCH accumulated among graduates who began at another public institution. Source: CBM001, CBM009, CBM00N
Percentage of students awarded an associate or bachelor's degree from a Texas public or private (independent) 4-year institution, or awarded a certificate or associate degree from a Texas public or private (independent) 2-year institution in a given year who have student loan debt. Each student's loan debt includes loans reported in the THECB financial aid database (FADS) report by any institution for that student in the last 15 years, excluding parent loan debt. Source: CBM009, Financial Aid Database System (FADS)